The Power of a Simple Gift Box

Operation Christmas Child demonstrates God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, and help children grow in their faith.

Gift boxes carefully packed by individuals or groups in collecting countries are later distributed to children through outreach events organized by local churches in receiving countries. After children receive the gift boxes, they are invited back to participate in a 12-lesson discipleship program called "The Greatest Journey,” where they learn to follow Jesus and tell others about Him.

Through Operation Christmas Child,
the Gospel is going to places where the name of Jesus has never been heard!

Through Operation Christmas Child, the Gospel is going to places where the name of Jesus has never been heard!

Through 11 collecting countries, this past year


Receiving Countries

11.3 million

Gift boxes collected worldwide


Year Round Leader Volunteers

5.1 million children

Enrolled in the 12 lessons discipleship program, "The Greatest Journey"

2.9 million children

Accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior

*2023 Statistics

Ways to Participate

Participating with Operation Christmas Child can take many forms
but has one purpose to bring the Gospel to children around the world.

Participating with Operation Christmas Child can take many forms but has one purpose to bring the Gospel to children around the world.

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Pack an OCC Giftbox
and impact a child’s life

Lead Your Group
as a Project Leader

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Serve as a Volunteer

More Stories of Operation Christmas Child


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Unable to pack a box? Fund a gift box online or give to Operation Christmas Child so that unreached children can receive the Gospel and participate in discipleship training.